

모바일메뉴 열기 모바일 메뉴 닫기

Antibody Engineering Lab.

Antibody Engineering Lab.

Antibody Engineering Laboratory

Our Lab focuses on the development of therapeutic antibodies for the treatment of cancers and HBV infection.
Therapeutic antibodies are monoclonal antibodies that do not induce immune response in humans after repeated administration. They include humanized antibody and human monoclonal antibodies, which will be used for development of bispecific antibody and antibody-drug conjugate to improve their therapeutic efficacy for cancer therapy.

Major research areas

  • Functional significance of L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) in tumor progression of bile duct cancers
  • Development of human anti-L1CAM monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of cancers
  • Development of bispecific antibodies to improve therapeutic efficacy of cancer therapy
  • Development of humanized antibodies for the prevention and treatment of hepatitis B
  • Affinity maturation of therapeutic antibodies
  • Construction and production of therapeutic antibodies using mammalian cells
Mouse mAb &rarr Humanized mAb, Human antibody phage display &rarr Human mAB = Bispectific antibody, Antibody drug conjugate