

모바일메뉴 열기 모바일 메뉴 닫기


김미경 교수님

Kristine Kim (김미경) 교수님

  • 전공 : 생화학 및 단백질/항체 공학
  • 연구분야 : 항체/항체-약물 결합체(ADC) 바이오의약품 신약개발 기술개발
  • 연락처 : 033) 250-8382
  • 이메일 :


  • 1989 Washington State University B.S. in Biochemistry (major) and Chemistry (minor)
  • 1996 University of Utah Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry
  • 1997 University of Michigan Department of Internal Medicine Postdoctoral Research Fellow


  • 2010-Present Kangwon National University, Department of Systems Immunology, Professor
  • 2010-2010 Scripps Korea Antibody Institute Director of Research Programs
  • 2004-2009 Seattle Genetics, Antibody Technologies Senior Research Scientist
  • 2001-2004 Amgen Antibody Technologies Research Scientist III
  • 1998-2001 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Staff Associate
  • 1988-1989 Washington State University, Research Fellow


  • Structure and Reactivity of Rubredoxin from Pseudomonasoleovorans Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
  • E.G. Kim, J.J. Jeong, J. L. Lee, H.J. Jung, M. Kim, Y. Zhao, E. C. Yi, K.M. Kim. "Rapid Evaluation of Antibody Fragment Endocytosis for Antibody Fragment?Drug Conjugates" Biomolecules, 2020,10:955.
  • M.J. Kim, J.R. Choi, N. Tara, T.M. Wi, K.M. Kim, D.H. Kim, E.S. Lee. "Novel Antibodies Targeting MUC1-C Showed Anti-Metastasis and Growth-Inhibitory Effects on Human Breast Cancer Cells", INT. J. Mol. Sci.2020, 21:3258.
  • H.Y. Lee, E.G. Kim, H.R. Jung, J.W. Jung, H.B. Kim, J.W. Cho, K.M. Kim, E.C. Yi. "Refinements of LC-MS/MS Spectral Counting Statistics Improve Quantification of Low Abundance Proteins." Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:1-10
  • Eunhee G. Kim1, Soo Heon Kwak, Daehee Hwang, Eugene C. Yi, Kyong Soo Park, Bo Kyung Koo, Kristine M. Kim.“The Level of Autoantibodies Targeting Eukaryote Translation Elongation Factor 1 α1 and Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme 2L3 in Nondiabetic Young Adults” Diabetes Metab J 2015 (2016) 40:154-160
  • Eunhee G. Kim and Kristine M. Kim. “Strategies and Advancement in Antibody-Drug Conjugate Optimization for Targeted Cancer Therapeutics.” Biomol Ther 23(6), 493-509 (2015)
  • Koo, B K.*, Chae, S.*, Kim, K.M.*, Kang, M.J., Kim, E.G., Kwak, S.H., Cho, Y.M., Choi, S. H., Park, Y.J., Shin, C.H., Jang, Hwang, D., Yi, E.C., Park, K.S. "Identification of novel autoantibodies in Type 1 diabetic patients using a high density protein microarrary." Diabetes. 2014, 63:3022-3032. *Co-first authors
  • Jeong, J.E., Kim, E.G., Cho, J.Y., Yi, E.D., Kim, K.M. "Basigin/CD147 promotes the activation of signal transduction mediated by MyD88 and TRIF." International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology. 2014, 6:107-116.
  • Jeong, J.E., Kim, E.G., Cho, J.Y., Yi, E.D., Kim, K.M. "Role of basigin in adaptor protein mediated signaling pathways." Advanced Science and Technology Letters. 2013, 33:20-23.
  • Kim, K.M. and Yi, C.E. "CD147 is critical for cancer stem cell chemoresistance: What does this mean for the clinic?" 2013, 10:313-315
  • Kang, M.J., Kim, H-P., Lee, K-S., Yoo, Y-D., Kwon, Y-T., Kim, K.M., Kim. T-Y., Yi, E.C. "Proteomic analysis reveals that CD147/EMMPRIN confers chemoresistance in cancer stem cell-like cells." Proteomics. 2013, 13:1714.
  • Kim, K.M., Yi, E.C., Kim, Y-S. "Mapping protein receptor-ligand interactions via in vivo chemical crosslinking, affinity purification, and differential mass spectrometry." Methods. 2012 (Feb), 56:161.
  • Choia, H-J., Song, S-Y., Yoon, Liu., L-K., Kim, K., Cha, S-H. "Isolation of human Fab antibodies specific for the low-affinity IgE receptor (CD23) by selecting a hierarchical antibody library system against B lymphoblastic IM-9 cells." Immunol. Lett. 2011 (May), 136:213-220.
  • Kim, K.M., Kang, M.J., Yi, E.C. "Applications of cell-based phage display panning to proteomic Analysis." Genes & Genomics. 2011 (Mar), 33:9-15.
  • Ryan, M.C., Kostner, H., Gordon, K.A., Duniho, S., Sutherland, M.K., Yu, C., Kim, K., Nesterova, A., Anderson, M., McEarchern, J.A, Law, C-L., Smith, L.M. "Targeting Pancreatic and Ovarian Carcinomas Using the Auristatin-based Anti-CD70 Antibody-Drug Conjugate SGN-75." Br. J. Cancer. 2010 (Aug), 103:676-684
  • Kim, K.M., McDonagh, C.F., Westendorf, L.W., Brown, L.W., Sussman, D., Feist, T., Lyon, R., Alley, S.C., Okeley N.M., Zhang, X., Thompson, M.C., Stone, I., Gerber, H.P., Carter, P.J. "Anti-CD30 Diabody Drug Conjugates with Potent Antitumor Activity." Mol. Cancer Ther. 2008 (Aug), 7:2486-2497.
  • McDonagh, C.F., Kim, K.M., Turcott, E., Brown, L.W., Feist, T., Sussman, Stone, I., Anderson, M., Miyamoto, J., Lyon, R., Alley, S.C., Gerber, H.P., Carter, P.J. "Engineered Anti-CD70 drug conjugate with Increased Therapeutic Index." Mol. Cancer Ther. 2008 (Sept), 7:2913-2923.
  • Ryan, M.C., Hering, M., Peckham, D., McDonagh, C.F., Brown, L., Kim, K.M., Meyer, D.L., Zabinski, R. F., Grewal, I.S., Carter, P.J. "Antibodies targeting of B-cell maturation antigen on malignant plasma cells." Mol. Cancer Ther. 2007, 6:3009-3018.
  • McDonagh, C.F., Turcott E., Westendorf, L.W., Webster, J.b., Alley, S.C., Kim, K.M., Andreyka, J., Stone, I., Hamblett, K.J., Francisco, J.A., Carter, P.J. "Engineered antibody-drug conjugates with defined sites and stoichiometries of drug attachment." PEDS. 2006, 19:299-307
  • Manion, M.K., O'Neill, J.W., Giedt, C.G., Kim, K.M., Zhang, K.Y-J., Hockenbery, D.M. "Bcl-XL mutations suppress cellular sensitivity to antimycin A." J. Biol. Chem. 2004, 279:2159-2165.
  • Tzung, S-P., Kim, K.M., Basañez, G., Giedt, C.D., Simon, J., Zimmerberg, J., Zhang K. Y. J., & Hockenbery, D. M. "Antimycin A mimics a cell-death-inducing Bcl-2 homology domain3." Nature Cell Biol. 2001,3:183-191.
  • Kim, K. M., Yi, E.C., Baker, D., Zhang, K.Y.J. "Post-translational modification of the N-terminal His tag interferes with the crystallization of the wild-type and mutant SH3 domains from chicken src tyrosine kinase." Acta. Cryst. 2001, D57:759-762.
  • Kim, K. M., Giedt, C. D., Basanez, G., O'Neil, J. W, Hill, J.J., Han, Y-H, Tzung, S-P., Zimmerberg, J., Hockenbery, D. M., & Zhang, K. Y-J. "Biophysical characterization of recombinant human Bcl-2 and its interaction with an inhibitory ligand, antimycin A." Biochem. 2001, 40:4911-4922.
  • Kim, K., Liddle, D. J., &. Cleary, D. A. "A quantitative ESR study of (Cd2P2S6)intercalatedwithcobaltocene."J.Phys.Chem.,1990,94:3205.
  • Kim, K., and Cleary, D. A. "ESR study of the magnetic behavior of (Mn2P2S6)intercalationcompounds."J.Phys.Chem.,1990,94:3816.
특허 등록
  • Methods for preparing monoclonal antibodies targeting N-glycan site as an epitope. U.S. Patent No.10,150,961 B2 (2018); Korea Patent No. 10-1954605 (2019)
  • An optimized antibody specific for norovirus and use of the same. Korea Patent No. 10-1875619 (2018)
  • A monoclonal antibody against rotavirus VP 6 and VP 7 and use of the same. Korea Patent No. 10-1750168 (2017)
  • Diagnostic method for type 1 diabetes using autoantibodies.Korea Patent No. 10-1681217 (2016)
  • Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." U.S. Patent number: 8,414,895. (2013.04.09)
  • Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." U.S. Patent number: 7,829,675. (2010.11.09)
  • Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." Australia. Patent number: 2005299919. (2010.06.03)
  • Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." U.S. Patent number: 7,495,086. (2009.2.24)
  • Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." Malta. Patent number. 3060. (2005.10.21.)
특허 출원
  • Korea Patent Application number: 10-2015-0131842 Filed: September 17, 2015
    Kim, K.M.; Lee, J.H.; Han, Y.J.; Jeong, J.E.; Choi, E.Y.; Ju, H.D.; Choi, S.H.; Hwang, E.S.; Kim, J.Y. “A NOROVIRUS RECOMBINANT ANTIGEN AND AN ANTIBODY SPECIFIC FOR THE SAME“
  • Korea Patent Application number: 10-2015-0117543 Filed: July 20, 2015
    Choi, M,J.; Kim, E,H.; Kim, K.M. “A monoclonal antibody against rotavirus VP 6 and VP 7 and use of the same“
  • Korea Patent Application number: 10-2015-0035280 Filed: March 13, 2015
    Park, K.S.; Yi, E.C.; Kim, K.M.; Hwang, D.; Koo, B.K. "Diagnostic method for type 1 diabetes using autoantibodies."
  • U.S. Patent Application number: 13/946,731 Filed: December 9, 2013
    Yi, E.C.; Kang, M.J.; Kim, K.M. "Methods for preparing monoclonal antibodies targeting N-glycan site as an epitope."
  • Korea Patent Application number: 10-2012-0080193 Filed: July 23, 2012
    Yi, E.C.; Kang, M.J.; Kim, K.M. "Methods for preparing monoclonal antibodies targeting N-glycan site as an epitope."
  • U.S. Patent Application number: 20110020267 Filed: October 6, 2010. Published: January 27, 2011
    Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III "TWEAK receptor."
  • EU Patent Application: EP1802656. Filed: 2005.04.24
    Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III "TWEAK receptor."