Laboratories: College of Biomedical Science, B-201 & B-217
Zebrafish facility : Center for Zebrafish Research
Field: Neurodevelopmental Biology & Embryology
Research Goals
Kee lab research aims to
reveal the functional roles of the genes, which are essential for tissue development during zebrafish embryogenesis, and understand the mechanisms of how these genes make connections in regulatory networks using Genetics & Genomics, Bioinformatics
build the zebrafish disease models to mimic the pathological status of human diseases including neurodegenerative diseases and cancers and use them to understand the basis of disease pathology and screen the drug candidates
Research Projects
Zebrafish Embryology & Developmental Biology using genome engineering tools including TALEN과 CRISPR/RGEN
Gene knockdown technology
Imaging: confocal microscopy and light-sheet microscopy (SPIM)
Zebrafish disease models
Development of cosmetic materials and toxicity test using zebrafish embryos
Lab Imaging of zebrafish embryos
present members
present membersname, status, email ,present members table
past membersname, degree, present status, email past members table
Present Status
Abu Mahammed Taufiqual Islam
Ph.D.course at University of Melbourne, Australia
Lab Photo Gallery
Published Articles
Kim, M., Cho, H., Kwon, G., Kang, Y., Kwon, S.,Her, S., Kee, Y., Park, J.H.Y. (2015) Benzyl isothiocyanate suppresses high-fat diet-stimulated mammary tumor progression via the alteration of tumor microenvironments in obesity-resistant BALB/c mice. Mol Carcinogen, 54(1):72-82
Kwon, S., Park, O.K., Nie, S., Kwak, J., Hwang, B.J., Bronner, M.E. and Kee, Y. (2014) Bioinformatic analysis of nematode migration-associated genes identifies novel vertebrate neural crest markers. PLOS One, 9(7), e103024
Islam A.M.T., Kwak, J., Jung, Y.J., and Kee, Y. (2014) Animal models of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Huntington's disease. Genes Genomics 36, 399-413
Raslan, A.A. and Kee, Y. (2013) Tackling neurodegenerative disease: animal models of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Genes Genomics 35, 425-40
Kee, Y. and Kim, N. (2013) Meeting report: Genetics and genome engineering. Genes Genomics 35, 411-3
Kim, M.J., Park, S.K., Choi, V.N., Seo,S., Lee, S., Kee, Y. and Hwang, B. (2013) Enzymatic production and expression of shRNAmir30 from cDNAs. Genes Genomics 35, 395-403
Kwak,J., Park,O.K., Jung, Y.J., Hwang, B., Kwon, S. and Kee, Y. (2013) Live image profiling of neural crest lineages in zebrafish transgenic lines. Mol Cells 35, 255-60
Nie, S., Kee, Y. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (2009) Myosin X is critical for the migratory ability of Xenopus cranial neural crest cells. Dev Biol 335, 132-42
Kee, Y., Hwang, B., Sternberg, P.W. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (2007) Evolutionary conservation of cell migration genes: from nematode neurons to vertebrate neural crest. Genes Dev 21, 391-6.
Hoeling, B.M., Feldman, S.S., Strenge, D.T., Bernard, A., Hogan, E.R., Petersen, D.C., Fraser, S.E., Kee, Y., Tyszka, J.M., and Haskell, R.C. (2007) A Motion-sensitive 3D optical coherence microscope operating at 1300 nm for the visualization of early frog development. Proc of SPIE 6429, 64292T-1-9.
Kee, Y. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (2005) To proliferate or to die: role of Id3 in cell cycle progression and survival of neural crest progenitors. Genes Dev 19, 744-55.
Kee, Y. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (2001) The transcriptional regulator Id3 is expressed in cranial sensory placodes during early avian embryonic development. Mech Dev109, 337-340.
Kee, Y. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (2001) Temporally and spatially restricted expression of the helix-loop-helix transcriptional regulator Id1 during avian embryogenesis. Mech Dev 109, 331-335.
Kee, Y. and Bronner-Fraser, M. (2001) Id4 expression and its relationship to other Id genes during avian embryonic development. Mech Dev 109, 341-345.
Hazuka C.D., Foletti D.L., Hsu S.C., Kee Y., Hopf F.W., and Scheller R.H. (1999) The sec6/8 complex is located at neurite outgrowth and axonal synapse-assembly domains. J. Neurosci19, 1324-1334.
Kee Y.,Yoo J.S., Hazuka C.D., Peterson K.E., Hsu S.C., and Scheller R.H. (1997) Subunit structure of the mammalian exocyst complex. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 14438-14443.
Kee Y. and Scheller R.H. (1996) Localization of synaptotagmin-binding domains on syntaxin. J. Neurosci 16, 1975-1981.
Kee Y., Lin R.C., Hsu S.C., and Scheller R.H. (1995) Distinct domains of syntaxin are required for synaptic vesicle fusion complex formation and dissociation. Neuron 14, 991-998.
Olney R.C., Smith R.L., Kee Y., and Wilson D.M. (1993) Production and hormonal regulation of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins in bovine chondrocytes. Endocrinology 133, 563-570.
Nelson S.F., McCusker J.H., Sander M.A., Kee Y., Modrich P., and Brown P.O. (1993) Genomic mismatch scanning: a new approach to genetic linkage mapping. Nature Genetics 4, 11-18.
Kee Y., Jung E.M., Seol J.H., Lee C.H., Ha D.B., and Chung C.H. (1990) Turnover of glycerol kinase during starvation in Escherichia coli. Mol Cells 1, 99-102.
Kee Y., Park S.C., Ha D.B., and Chung C.H. (1989) Correlation between malignant phenotypes and changes in overall proteolytic capacity of human cervix and liver cancer. Korean J. Zool. 32, 48-54.
Kee Y., Park S.C., Ha D.B., and Chung C.H. (1988) Relation of the activities of plasminogen activator and plasmin-like protease with malignant behavior of skin tumor of rats. Korean J. Zool. 31, 185-190.
Kee Y., Lee Y.S., Goldberg A.L., and Chung C.H. (1988). Improved methods for purification and assay of glycerol kinase from Escherichia coli. J. Chromatography (Biomedical Applications) 428, 345-351.
Zebrafish behavior pattern test device for drug screen. Korea patent number 10-1476355 (December 18, 2014), Korea patent application number 10-2014-0007668 (January 22, 2014). Inventors: Yun Kee; Byung Joon Hwang; Noo Li Jeon; Jina Kwak
Magnetic resonance stage microscope. US patent number 7633295 (Issued at December 15, 2009). Inventors: Julian M. Tyszka; Andrey V. Demyanenko; Yun Kee; Scott E. Fraser