

모바일메뉴 열기 모바일 메뉴 닫기


      Kristine Kim

Kristine Kim

  • Major : Biological Chemistry & Protein/Ab Engineering
  • Research area : Therapeutic antibody and antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) development
  • Office : College of Biomedical Science Building. Room 202
  • Phone : +82-33-250-8382
  • e-mail :
Antibody Technology Research Lab.

Protein Science and Antibody Technology Laboratory

Our research focuses on the development of protein-based drugs, in particular the therapeutic monoclonal antibodies(mAbs) and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers and immune and infectious diseases. We currently use Ab-omics technology (combination of antibody engineering technology integrated with proteomic technology), antibody phage display technology, and various biochemical and biophysical methods to discover and validate therapeutic targets and biological drug candidates, including mAbs and ADCs, as well as technology development for the optimization of biological drugs

extracellular space

"Eunhee G. Kim and Kristine M. Kim, Biomol Ther 23(6) 493-509"

Major research areas

  • Antibody-based drug development, including ADCs and bispecificv mAbs.
  • Therapeutic target discovery for cancer and immune diseases via Ab-omics technology
  • Technology development and antibody engineering for the optimization of mAbs and ADCs
  • Mechanism of action studies for drug-resistance and ADCs