

모바일메뉴 열기 모바일 메뉴 닫기

Structural Biology Lab.

Structural Biology Lab.

Structural Biology Laboratory

Our research aim is to determine 3-dimensional structures of biologically significant macromolecules at the atomic resolution using X-ray crystallography and to define their biological functions through structure-based biophysicochemical studies. We are particularly interested in revealing structural and molecular mechanisms for immune responses against pathogens as well as pathogenesis of infectious diseases.

Major research areas

  • Structural and mechanistic studies on pathogen recognition by immune receptors
    • Toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) activation by bacterial flagellin
    • Drug development of flagellin variants
  • Structural basis of antigen recognition by therapeutic antibodies
  • Structural studies on microbial pathogenesis focusing on virulence factors
  • Structure-function studies on bacterial transcription factors and enzymes
    • Enzymatic mechanism of methyltransferase, nucleotide hydrolase, and glycosyl transferase
    • Gene regulation by transcription factors