면역수용체와 항체의 병원미생물 인식기작에 대한 분자구조적 연구
1996 서울대학교 학사 (미생물학)
1998 서울대학교 석사 (미생물학)
2006 University of Alabama at Birmingham 박사 (미생물학)
강원대학교 의생명과학대학 의생명융합학부 부교수 (2016. 3 ~ 현재)
강원대학교 의생명과학대학 시스템면역과학과 조교수 (2012. 3 ~ 2016.2)
The Scripps Research Institute, Research associate (2007. 2 ~ 2012. 2)
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Post-doctoral fellow (2006. 8 ~ 2007. 2)
- Structural and biophysical analysis of IL-10 receptor interactions with cellular and Epstein-Barr virus IL-10. 2006. University of Alabama at Birmingham.
- Phylogenetic relationships of the Stereaceae and its related taxa inferred from sequence analysis of nuclear small subunit ribosomal DNA. 1998. 서울대학교
Yoon, S. I., Kim, S. Y., Lim, Y. W., and Jung, H. S. (2003) Phylogenetic evaluation of stereoid fungi. J Microbiol Biotechnol 13: 406-414
Yoon, S. I., Jones, B. C., Logsdon, N. J., and Walter, M. R. (2005) Same structure, different function: crystal structure of the Epstein-Barr virus IL-10 bound to the soluble IL-10R1 chain. Structure 13: 551-564
Yoon, S. I., Logsdon, N. J, Sheikh, F., Donnelly R. P., and Walter, M. R. (2006) Conformational changes mediate Interleukin-10 receptor 2 (IL-10R2) binding to IL-10 and assembly of the signaling complex. J Biol Chem 281: 35088-35096
Yoon, S. I. and Walter, M. R. (2007) Identification and characterization of a +1 frameshift observed during the expression of Epstein-Barr virus IL-10 in Escherichia coli. Protein Expr Purif 53: 132-137
Nuara, A. A., Walter, L. J., Logsdon, N. J., Yoon, S. I., Jones, B. C., Schriewer, J. M., Buller, R. M., and Walter, M. R. (2008) Structure and mechanism of IFN-γ antagonism by an orthopoxvirus IFN-γ-binding protein. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105: 1861-1866
Yoon, S. I., Jones, B. C., Logsdon, N. J., Harris, B. D., Deshpande, A., Radaeva, S., Halloran, B. A., Gao, B., and Walter, M. R. (2010) Structure and mechanism of receptor sharing by the IL-10R2 common chain. Structure 18: 638-648.
Yoon, S. I., Hong, M., Han, G. W., and Wilson, I. A. (2010) Crystal structure of soluble MD-1 and its interaction with lipid IVa. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107: 10990-10995
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