1989 Washington State University B.S. in Biochemistry (major) and Chemistry (minor)
1996 University of Utah Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry
1997 University of Michigan Department of Internal Medicine Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Professional Experiences
2010-Present Kangwon National University, Department of Systems Immunology, Professor
2010-2010 Scripps Korea Antibody Institute Director of Research Programs
2004-2009 Seattle Genetics, Antibody Technologies Senior Research Scientist
2001-2004 Amgen Antibody Technologies Research Scientist III
1998-2001 Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Staff Associate
1988-1989 Washington State University, Research Fellow
Scientific Journals
E.G. Kim, J.J. Jeong, J. L. Lee, H.J. Jung, M. Kim, Y. Zhao, E. C. Yi, K.M. Kim. "Rapid Evaluation of Antibody Fragment Endocytosis for Antibody Fragment?Drug Conjugates" Biomolecules, 2020,10:955.
M.J. Kim, J.R. Choi, N. Tara, T.M. Wi, K.M. Kim, D.H. Kim, E.S. Lee. "Novel Antibodies Targeting MUC1-C Showed Anti-Metastasis and Growth-Inhibitory Effects on Human Breast Cancer Cells", INT. J. Mol. Sci.2020, 21:3258.
H.Y. Lee, E.G. Kim, H.R. Jung, J.W. Jung, H.B. Kim, J.W. Cho, K.M. Kim, E.C. Yi. "Refinements of LC-MS/MS Spectral Counting Statistics Improve Quantification of Low Abundance Proteins." Scientific Reports, 2019, 9:1-10
Eunhee G. Kim1, Soo Heon Kwak, Daehee Hwang, Eugene C. Yi, Kyong Soo Park, Bo Kyung Koo, Kristine M. Kim."The Level of Autoantibodies Targeting Eukaryote Translation Elongation Factor 1 α1 and Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme 2L3 in Nondiabetic Young Adults" Diabetes Metab J 2015 (2016) 40:154-160
Eunhee G. Kim and Kristine M. Kim. "Strategies and Advancement in Antibody-Drug Conjugate Optimization for Targeted Cancer Therapeutics." Biomol Ther 23(6), 493-509 (2015)
Koo, B K.*, Chae, S.*, Kim, K.M.*, Kang, M.J., Kim, E.G., Kwak, S.H., Cho, Y.M., Choi, S. H., Park, Y.J., Shin, C.H., Jang, Hwang, D., Yi, E.C., Park, K.S. "Identification of novel autoantibodies in Type 1 diabetic patients using a high density protein microarrary." Diabetes. 2014, 63:3022-3032. *Co-first authors
Jeong, J.E., Kim, E.G., Cho, J.Y., Yi, E.D., Kim, K.M. "Basigin/CD147 promotes the activation of signal transduction mediated by MyD88 and TRIF." International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology. 2014, 6:107-116.
Jeong, J.E., Kim, E.G., Cho, J.Y., Yi, E.D., Kim, K.M. "Role of basigin in adaptor protein mediated signaling pathways." Advanced Science and Technology Letters. 2013, 33:20-23.
Kim, K.M. and Yi, C.E. "CD147 is critical for cancer stem cell chemoresistance: What does this mean for the clinic?" 2013, 10:313-315
Kang, M.J., Kim, H-P., Lee, K-S., Yoo, Y-D., Kwon, Y-T., Kim, K.M., Kim. T-Y., Yi, E.C. "Proteomic analysis reveals that CD147/EMMPRIN confers chemoresistance in cancer stem cell-like cells." Proteomics. 2013, 13:1714.
Kim, K.M., Yi, E.C., Kim, Y-S. "Mapping protein receptor-ligand interactions via in vivo chemical crosslinking, affinity purification, and differential mass spectrometry." Methods. 2012 (Feb), 56:161.
Choia, H-J., Song, S-Y., Yoon, Liu., L-K., Kim, K., Cha, S-H. "Isolation of human Fab antibodies specific for the low-affinity IgE receptor (CD23) by selecting a hierarchical antibody library system against B lymphoblastic IM-9 cells." Immunol. Lett. 2011 (May), 136:213-220.
Kim, K.M., Kang, M.J., Yi, E.C. "Applications of cell-based phage display panning to proteomic Analysis." Genes & Genomics. 2011 (Mar), 33:9-15.
Ryan, M.C., Kostner, H., Gordon, K.A., Duniho, S., Sutherland, M.K., Yu, C., Kim, K., Nesterova, A., Anderson, M., McEarchern, J.A, Law, C-L., Smith, L.M. "Targeting Pancreatic and Ovarian Carcinomas Using the Auristatin-based Anti-CD70 Antibody-Drug Conjugate SGN-75." Br. J. Cancer. 2010 (Aug), 103:676-684
Kim, K.M., McDonagh, C.F., Westendorf, L.W., Brown, L.W., Sussman, D., Feist, T., Lyon, R., Alley, S.C., Okeley N.M., Zhang, X., Thompson, M.C., Stone, I., Gerber, H.P., Carter, P.J. "Anti-CD30 Diabody Drug Conjugates with Potent Antitumor Activity." Mol. Cancer Ther. 2008 (Aug), 7:2486-2497.
McDonagh, C.F., Kim, K.M., Turcott, E., Brown, L.W., Feist, T., Sussman, Stone, I., Anderson, M., Miyamoto, J., Lyon, R., Alley, S.C., Gerber, H.P., Carter, P.J. "Engineered Anti-CD70 drug conjugate with Increased Therapeutic Index." Mol. Cancer Ther. 2008 (Sept), 7:2913-2923.
Ryan, M.C., Hering, M., Peckham, D., McDonagh, C.F., Brown, L., Kim, K.M., Meyer, D.L., Zabinski, R. F., Grewal, I.S., Carter, P.J. "Antibodies targeting of B-cell maturation antigen on malignant plasma cells." Mol. Cancer Ther. 2007, 6:3009-3018.
McDonagh, C.F., Turcott E., Westendorf, L.W., Webster, J.b., Alley, S.C., Kim, K.M., Andreyka, J., Stone, I., Hamblett, K.J., Francisco, J.A., Carter, P.J. "Engineered antibody-drug conjugates with defined sites and stoichiometries of drug attachment." PEDS. 2006, 19:299-307
Manion, M.K., O'Neill, J.W., Giedt, C.G., Kim, K.M., Zhang, K.Y-J., Hockenbery, D.M. "Bcl-XL mutations suppress cellular sensitivity to antimycin A." J. Biol. Chem. 2004, 279:2159-2165.
Tzung, S-P., Kim, K.M., Basañez, G., Giedt, C.D., Simon, J., Zimmerberg, J., Zhang K. Y. J., & Hockenbery, D. M. "Antimycin A mimics a cell-death-inducing Bcl-2 homology domain3." Nature Cell Biol. 2001,3:183-191.
Kim, K. M., Yi, E.C., Baker, D., Zhang, K.Y.J. "Post-translational modification of the N-terminal His tag interferes with the crystallization of the wild-type and mutant SH3 domains from chicken src tyrosine kinase." Acta. Cryst. 2001, D57:759-762.
Kim, K. M., Giedt, C. D., Basanez, G., O'Neil, J. W, Hill, J.J., Han, Y-H, Tzung, S-P., Zimmerberg, J., Hockenbery, D. M., & Zhang, K. Y-J. "Biophysical characterization of recombinant human Bcl-2 and its interaction with an inhibitory ligand, antimycin A." Biochem. 2001, 40:4911-4922.
Kim, K., Liddle, D. J., &. Cleary, D. A. "A quantitative ESR study of (Cd2P2S6)intercalatedwithcobaltocene."J.Phys.Chem.,1990,94:3205.
Kim, K., and Cleary, D. A. "ESR study of the magnetic behavior of (Mn2P2S6)intercalationcompounds."J.Phys.Chem.,1990,94:3816.
Registered Patents
Methods for preparing monoclonal antibodies targeting N-glycan site as an epitope. U.S. Patent No.10,150,961 B2 (2018); Korea Patent No. 10-1954605 (2019)
An optimized antibody specific for norovirus and use of the same. Korea Patent No. 10-1875619 (2018)
A monoclonal antibody against rotavirus VP 6 and VP 7 and use of the same. Korea Patent No. 10-1750168 (2017)
Diagnostic method for type 1 diabetes using autoantibodies.Korea Patent No. 10-1681217 (2016)
Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." U.S. Patent number: 8,414,895. (2013.04.09)
Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." U.S. Patent number: 7,829,675. (2010.11.09)
Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." Australia. Patent number: 2005299919. (2010.06.03)
Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." U.S. Patent number: 7,495,086. (2009.2.24)
Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III. "TWEAK receptor." Malta. Patent number. 3060. (2005.10.21.)
Patent application
Korea Patent Application number: 10-2015-0131842 Filed: September 17, 2015 Kim, K.M.; Lee, J.H.; Han, Y.J.; Jeong, J.E.; Choi, E.Y.; Ju, H.D.; Choi, S.H.; Hwang, E.S.; Kim, J.Y. "A NOROVIRUS RECOMBINANT ANTIGEN AND AN ANTIBODY SPECIFIC FOR THE SAME"
Korea Patent Application number: 10-2015-0117543 Filed: July 20, 2015 Choi, M,J.; Kim, E,H.; Kim, K.M. "A monoclonal antibody against rotavirus VP 6 and VP 7 and use of the same"
Korea Patent Application number: 10-2015-0035280 Filed: March 13, 2015 Park, K.S.; Yi, E.C.; Kim, K.M.; Hwang, D.; Koo, B.K. "Diagnostic method for type 1 diabetes using autoantibodies."
U.S. Patent Application number: 13/946,731 Filed: December 9, 2013 Yi, E.C.; Kang, M.J.; Kim, K.M. "Methods for preparing monoclonal antibodies targeting N-glycan site as an epitope."
Korea Patent Application number: 10-2012-0080193 Filed: July 23, 2012 Yi, E.C.; Kang, M.J.; Kim, K.M. "Methods for preparing monoclonal antibodies targeting N-glycan site as an epitope."
U.S. Patent Application number: 20110020267 Filed: October 6, 2010. Published: January 27, 2011 Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III "TWEAK receptor."
EU Patent Application: EP1802656. Filed: 2005.04.24 Kim, K.M.; Wiley, S.R.; Ketchem, R.R.; Fanslow, W. C. III "TWEAK receptor."